I didn’t like my Instagram top nine, so I made this collage with photos of me eating and drinking. Many thanks to all my friends for the photos and memories!
This was my 2019:
Made new human and feline friends, enjoyed spending time solo, designed pretty things, made my house feel like a home, practiced yoga regularly, realized my heart is more open than I thought, hosted many Veganizer PDX popups, continued developing my cashew cheeses, improved my photography, presented a vegan charcuterie board on KATU, attended many fun events including another year of Feast, started writing for Eater PDX, visited my family in Singapore for the first time in 9 years, ate pizza (of course, that’s what I’m eating as I write this), visited Bali for the first time, rediscovered how much I enjoy writing for my blog, and made lots of plans for next year. Oh, and this year was an especially delicious one. Here are my Top Restaurants of 2019.
Here are my plans for 2020:
Decluttering and reorganizing my home, exercise more, eat more clean and healthy meals, go to therapy regularly, speak up about things that do not sit well with me, take a trip to NYC, share more recipes and home cooking, improve my food styling skills, develop and stick to a blogging schedule, spend less time on social media, include more content other than food, offer more transparency to my audience… I’m sure I’ll come up with more for 2020.
2019 flew by quickly, and I’ve grown so much, personally and professionally, along the way. Let’s see what 2020 brings!
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