Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

After picking up hot dogs from Underdog, we stopped at the top of Strawberry Hill in Golden Gate Park for lunch. Beautiful view, fresh air, no one else in sight. GG Park offers a much more secluded escape than Central Park in NYC.

Afterwards, we stopped by Huntington Falls, visited the Chinese pagoda (a gift from Taipei), and wandered around Stowe Lake. John and I have always wanted to rent row boats and finally had an opportunity to do so. I feel like I got a good workout from the rowing!

We then moseyed over to the de Young museum, where we got married almost five years ago. After a visit to our special spot in the sculpture garden, we went up to the tower to take in the view. Visiting the tower is free, so you should definitely do that if you’re in GG Park.

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

I wanted to visit the Japanese gardens, but the tickets wouldn’t have be worth it as it was already fairly late. Instead, we stopped by the Shakespeare Garden. It’s small, but very charming with an elegant iron gate at the entrance and rustic sundial in the middle of the garden.



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  • Reply
    Delicious Peace of Mind

    Beautiful sights! I love parks and forests in or near the city. Quick and easy to escape when you feel overwhelmed by the busy life. So grounding! :)

    • Reply

      Absolutely! It’s always good to get away from the city from time to time. Golden Gate Park is my favorite for a quick escape like that. It always feels much more remote than I would expect.

      • Reply
        Delicious Peace of Mind

        Indeed, and we live at a fraction of a city, comparing it to NYC. As I said many times before, I would love to visit it one day, but some quiet countryside with a forest nearby sound more and more attractive to me :)

        • Reply

          NYC will always be here waiting for you, and I doubt it’ll ever change much. As I get older, I value the peace and quiet more and more. :P

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